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 . . . The Handspun . . . 

An unexpected adventure! And although I haven't blogged about it much (yet), I'm well and truly down the rabbit hole now! You can check out all of my handspun in my Ravelry notebook to see what I've spun, how I've used some of it, and what may be coming available before it hits my Etsy shop! My favorite things to spin are random bits and bobs from mill ends and samples to make a cohesive, truly unique yarn - it's like painting with fiber! And then you can ALSO crochet with it! It's amazing!! And meditative, too!  

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All photos, patterns, and other content are copyright by Connie Lee Lynch of CrochEt Cetera by Connie Lee unless otherwise noted. Please do not copy, redistribute, or sell patterns or derivatives thereof. This site contains affiliate links and third party ads that may generate additional income. Connie is also a member of the Amazon Associates Program. Thanks for visiting!                           Privacy Policy

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