Eeeek! Y'all I am SO excited about this! A couple months ago I caught sight of the most intriguing image in my Instagram feed. It simply said, "Who will be Chosen? Signups Now Open at Brew City Yarns" with a caption reading, "Muggles beware..."
I wasn't the only one clamoring for more information, either. I soon learned that Brew City Yarns was creating Harry Potter themed House Sorting Kits and I HAD to get in on one! Of course, I already knew which House I belonged in (thank you, Pottermore!) so I put in my order as soon as it went live and I anxiously awaited my kit's arrival. Which was earlier this month!
So without further ado, may I present a VERY exciting unboxing and the official announcement of my Hogwarts House!
Isn't this yarn just scrumptious looking!? And the pin is so detailed! I'm super tickled with this kit and I'm so excited about crocheting with it!

Now, as I said in the video, I'm not really much of a knitter. However. That isn't stopping me from participating in the KAL! I'm just ... crocheting along instead!
The KAL pattern is a really great looking shawl by Melanie Berg called Drachenfels and I was really tempted to give it a try! But I've had this idea for a top floating around in my head for a few months now, and although I've never designed a garment before, I really want to give it a try. So this is my excuse to do just that!
I spent naptime one day translating knitspeak into a striping pattern that will be inspired by Drachenfels and on June 15th, along with my fellow yarn loving Potterheads, I "cast on" for the #HouseSortingKAL!!
It took me another couple days to get all three skeins caked up because, well, there's an unreasonable tiny human who also lives in my house... O.o
But now I am well on my way!
Stay tuned for another post when I finish this fun little side project - it's not often I do something just for me! And if you'd like to follow along with my progress, here's my Ravenclaw Drachenfelian Top Project Page on Ravelry or you can follow me on Instagram.
And if you'd like your OWN squishy little skeins of Harry Potter goodness, you can get them from Brew City Yarns here starting the 1st of July! I'm using Hallow's Grey, Rowena's Diadem, and Luna's Spectrespecs.