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Fiber Fun in the 'Sip 2019

Writer: Connie Lee LynchConnie Lee Lynch

I just got back from an 8-hour road trip to Mississippi for Fiber Fun in the 'Sip and I. am. all. tuckered. out! Vicksburg (from Texas) is just across the border from Louisiana and is just off the Mississippi River, of course. What I didn't expect, for some reason, were the hills. It was a love/hate relationship. The scenery was delightful, particularly after moving to a rather desolate looking corner of Texas alongside one of the fences of Fort Hood. But hauling my tired ... um, behind, up and down those hills every day? Well, I'm a bit out of practice, I guess!

Margaritaville Hotel, Vicksburg, MS

It was also the first time I've taught in about three months, since we moved from Williamsburg, VA, and my most favorite teaching scene thus far, Yarn Matters. I miss them so much!! But it was so good to get back to teaching for a bit, even if only for a few days.

Fiber Fun in the 'Sip Teacher Lineup (that's my name, y'all!)

I also TOOK a couple classes, since I had the opportunity! I took a Tibetan Spindle class with Teresa Goatey of The Dancing Goats, which was only my second spinning class, so I learned a few more techniques that I think will really help my Nano spinning, too. I even brought home a weighted spindle! I picked the most colorful one he had, too, ha ha. My biggest motivation? I can fill up my Nano bobbins with singles and then ply them on the supported spindle! Which means more yardage, yay!

My second class was a color class with Marcy Petrini, because I will probably take every color class I get the chance to take! There's always more to learn and color is so interpretive and subjective and mysterious and wonderful!

I taught four different classes: Mitered Squares, Fibonacci, Fiber & Fun, Crocheted Edgings (for Knitters), and Intro to Marling. The marling class was the best attended and so it was also the most fun, but I really enjoyed connecting with and helping new people explore new techniques. I miss teaching! I think I'm going to tweak the Fibonacci class a bit to add in additional mathematical sequence inspiration since I get asked about other ideas every time. Maybe Fibonacci and Fractals? Is that new design pressure or inspiration I feel? You can take a look at my current list of classes and workshops here for more info, but I'd love to hear any suggestions for future classes you may have!

Intro to Marling Class at Fiber Fun in the 'Sip 2019

Of course, I also really enjoyed connecting with new dyers! My pocketbook may not have been so happy, ha ha, but I have lots of new ideas now! Anybody have a time turner I could borrow??

Purchases included a silk/cotton thread from Buckmaster Family Farm for the kid's turtle (see below), fiber from Three Creeks Farm (teal!), a nice red and brown stripey yarn for the baby hat stash plus more turtle yarn in the form of minis from Leading Men Fiber Arts, LISA FRANK yarn (I'm so excited I found some of this, y'all!) from Anzula courtesy of McKnittey, more baby hat stash yarn from Round Table Yarns (STRIPES!!!), a super fun set of Dragon Egg minis from Forbidden Fiber Co plus a Harry Potter project bag that escaped the haul photo because I'd already put it to use, three scrumptious skeins from Mitchell's Creations that are destined for garment greatness (I hope), a five mini skein swirl set and coordinating mohair skein from Ewe 2 Yarn, and an absolutely electric skein of tweedy amazingness from 2 Guys Yarn along with a pair of Yarn Soxx (I was totally disappointed when I went to buy them because I thought they were yarn SEXIES from my walk-bys but I bought them anyway!). Whew. Seriously. Time turner? Anyone? No? *sigh*

Interestingly, it seems I may be creating a new tradition. The kid was pretty bummed about me leaving to teach (although Grammy is an almost too good substitute!) so I offered to make him another stuffie, like I did when I went to Into the Wool last year. What I didn't anticipate was the very specific request list that followed: turtle, two colors, green on the right and brown on the left, four legs. O.o

So I modified my square stuffie critter "template" a bit and came up with something that could probably also pass for a frog! He was a bit skeptical of its turtleness and requested a mouth (which I can do) as well as a shell and longer legs (which I won't do) and he also likes the green legs better than the brown legs for some reason, but I think it'll do.

Now, though, it's time to finish unpacking and organizing and considering tweaks to classes as well as future class ideas - do you have some? Please share! I'm working on a texture/post stitches/cables type of class, but I'm not sure when that will be ready because it will also come with a new pattern!

If your'e interested in attending Fiber Fun in the 'Sip next year, the dates are September 24-26, 2020. Mark your calendar!

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