Let's throw it waaaaaaay back to 2015 when I was eight months pregnant with my son AND had just finished up filming for my very first pre-recorded class for *Skillshare, Crochet Basics: From Skein to Scarf.
*affiliate link
After I finished taking the pictures I'm going to share with you here today for this scarf tying tutorial? My water broke.
Yup! Putting together this tutorial to supplement my Skillshare class was the very last thing I did before my son was born! I was actually attempting to lie down for a nap. That didn't happen, lol.
Now that you've got THAT lovely little nugget of a story, it's time for the actual tutorial!
As a crochet designer and teacher, I get to play with lots of scarves in all sorts of different styles, widths, and lengths. My very favorite type of scarf is a nice, long one that I can experiment with fun ways to knot and wear!
So let's have a look at my very favorite way to style a crocheted scarf.

I don' t know if this particular method of knotting a scarf has a name, or even where I first learned it because I've certainly seen similar methods when perusing scarf tying tutorials, but I haven't seen anything recently that's quite the same.
I've had a lot of people ask me about how I do it, though, so here we go!
Step 1: begin by draping the scarf over your shoulders backwards and more or less centered.

Step 2: cross the ends in the back and then bring them forward over your shoulders.

Step 3: give the loop in the center a half twist from right to left.

Step 4: pull the end on your left side (as you look down at it) down through the loop.

Step 5: pull the end on your right side up through the loop.

This creates a square knot!

Step 6: snug it up as much or as little as you like and et voilà!

I hope you enjoy this fun little knot as much as I do and if you need to see this process in motion to understand exactly how it works I have good news! I did a livestream over in the Facebook group here a while back, and you can now watch it below!
Did you know the Simple Textures Scarf is one of my free patterns that's available right here on my website?
It's also the final project featured in my Crochet Basics: From Skein to Scarf class! Do you already have a Skillshare membership? *Start watching here! Prefer to enroll in classes a la carte AND get that sweet sweet video content searchability feature? I got you! It's coming so soooooon!!
So what do you think? Should I keep these old pictures, ha ha? Or should I take some new ones??
Let me know if you test this out with one of your own scarves, too! You can tag me on social @crochetcetera or pop on over to the Facebook group to share there.
Happy scarf wearing, y'all!